End-Cap n. A DISPLAY area at the end of an aisle, which faces perpendicular to the lane of usual aisle SHELVING on either side. Usually features one or more SALE ITEMS. Construction may be a movable base (akin to but much larger than a WING BASE) upon which PRODUCT is STACKED, together with a SHADOW BOX, or else it may be a full-height SHELVING unit that is typically part of a 3-WAY, with additional SPECIALS DISPLAYED on full-height SHELVES on either side in the built-in WINGS.
Evil-Stock-Dude n. The imaginary person responsible for any un-attributable mistakes or bone-headed errors. A mythical scapegoat.
NOTE: Traditionally, NIGHT CREW blames DAY CREW, and vice versa, for anything they find wrong.
Blaming someone else is human nature, and a tradition that goes way, way back (read the first book in the Bible, Genesis, Chapter 3). Thus, I propose this fantasy to fulfill that particular need.
Spot a problem? Blame Evil-Stock-Dude. Then, just fix it yourself, and move on.
Blaming someone else is human nature, and a tradition that goes way, way back (read the first book in the Bible, Genesis, Chapter 3). Thus, I propose this fantasy to fulfill that particular need.
Spot a problem? Blame Evil-Stock-Dude. Then, just fix it yourself, and move on.
Expiration Date n. An ordinary date stamped or printed on an ITEM by the manufacturer. It sets a manufacturer-determined time limit on how long the PRODUCT is considered
NOTE: Whenever a CUSTOMER brings you an OUT-OF-DATE ITEM, immediately apologize on behalf of the STORE, say
Thanks for your help,and then alert the GROCERY MANAGER to the situation. Baring other instructions, remove the O.O.D. STOCK from the SHELF and take it to the RECEIVER'S RACK before going back to your previous task.
Extra-Value Zone n. A series of END-CAP-like DISPLAYS that include SHADOW BOXES and are arranged in a continuous row just past the CUSTOMER SERVICE DESK. Every SPOT therein features only STORE BRAND PRODUCTS that are ON SALE. Also 2nd FRONT, EVZ, SECOND FRONT.